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Soon to be....

>> Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Baru dapat berita daripada member (pangkat adik actually even 'dia' is bigger than in matter of size. I'm not using 'she' or 'he' coz I don't want to reveal who the person is. It's a promise I've made). berbalik kepada cerita, a friend of mine ni tengah berbahagia sekarang ni sbb soon to be (maybe) akan menamatkan zaman bujang (hopefully). Dok YM td pon ada unsur2 org gatai nk kawen dh pon tp they (both of pasangan) actually still dlm proses perkenalan n dgrnya dh mendapat restu drpd both fmly n mungkin dlm proses utk pursue parents masing2 utk kawen. Hope 2 hear the good news soon. To (well U know who U are) dh dpt kata putus jgn lupa jemput.

p/s...xsabar nk reveal the good news but since I've made a tp kan klu nk share ngn Nua leh x???hahahhaha


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